Join us at our 


Dear Friends of Tankerton Bay,

Well, we managed to miss the rain this morning, although many of us were kitted out with macs and woolly hats!  Thanks to all who participated today, including two welcome new faces, and two recent movers into Tankerton who may well join us next time. Thanks too to our much-missed ex-Tankerton Councillor, Neil Baker, for his continued support of our Beach Cleans.

We had around 30 volunteers today, including seven keen youngsters.  As always, several passers-by thanked us for our efforts.  Today’s haul was lighter than of late (we sometimes struggle to remember that this is a good thing!) A great deal of the litter today comprised of tiny pieces that felt like nothing in the bags, let alone on our weighing scales.  But two heavy bits of rubbish, as noted below, added to the overall tally.

Beach:    16kgs    (12kgs last time)

Slopes:    33kgs   (21kgs last time)

Total:      49kgs   (33kgs last time)

Total since our first clear in April 2016: 3,931kgs

The beach itself was fairly clear of litter, but there were still concerns about glass bottles – some left broken in the shingle.  Polystyrene was still evident – mostly fragments – with the usual full and empty drinks cans,  a couple of pairs of glasses and a new-looking key – both of these left with the Lifeguard – and a couple of cigarette lighters, odd socks, a toy car, the usual cigarette ends by the benches on the Slopes, and an abandoned string of “Do Not Cross” tape left near the Ice Cream Parlour.

The continuing strong SW winds might have blown some beach litter out or back out to sea, causing more to get stuck on the grassy areas of the Slopes, and perhaps generally reducing the number of people recently visiting the beach anyway.  There was some general outrage among us about the recent KentOnLine report about Whitstable’s beaches being the “dirtiest” in the UK!  The article seemed to bear little resemblance to what we residents see every day….you must wonder where else the reporter had looked!

There are still concerns about fly-tipping in and around the beach huts – including today’s star finds of an iron bed-head and an old-style metal litter bin lid.  Also individuals and/or firms carrying out beach hut maintenance work/refurbishments are leaving building rubbish rather than taking it away with them.

Our thanks to Andy – a new Canenco operative on the prom this morning, who was also very appreciative of our efforts, as of course we continue to be of all Canenco staff who help keep the Bay clear and clean on a daily basis.

Thanks also to Canterbury City Council for leaving the wildflowers and grasses alone this summer, without strimming them while still in flower, as has been the case in recent years.  The Slopes looked an absolute picture this morning, deserving of the “rural” status of Tankerton beach, and surely a delight to new visitors here.

Our next Beach Clean will be on Sunday, 4th August, at 9.15am as usual.  We will send you a reminder a couple of days beforehand.

We look forward to seeing you then, and hoping that our woolly hats will be a thing of the past (for a couple of months at least!)

Best wishes,

David, Marilyn, & Viv

For the Friends of Tankerton Bay



“Summer Dog Orders” – from 1st May to 30th September: dogs on leads on the prom, and not at all on the beaches between Beacon House / The Street and the Pier Ave steps.  As part of our general community involvement, we take the opportunity of the Clears to remind / advise the many dog owners who pass us about these orders as, despite the various markings on the promenade and the few signs on railings, some people seem either to be unaware of these or else just choose to ignore them.
Given that the summer orders had only started a few days before, we were very pleased that the majority of owners were already complying.  Where this was not the case we ‘gently’ engaged with these owners and offered the CCC leaflets: “Dog Friendly Beaches”, which is a somewhat paradoxical leaflet in the sense that it features more about the places where there are restrictions.  Without exception these owners were grateful and usually apologetic – and either put their dogs on the lead on the prom or brought them up off the beach as well.  There is sometimes still some confusion, with people thinking that dogs could go on the beach provided they were on a lead as on the prom, and maybe this is something for CCC to consider in the future.




Finally, the usual “Big Thanks” to all those volunteers who joined us for this clear, and to our stalwart FOTB core group, who take all of the equipment down to the beach from our tennis court storage and then back uphill again afterwards, as well as managing the actual clear itself.
Further thanks as ever also to Canenco, for collecting and removing our FOTB bags so promptly, and for all their efforts day-to-day to help keep our Bay as litter-free as they are able.



Next clear: Sunday, 2nd June: 09.15 – 10.30 as usual.  We hope to see you again that day (subject to the weather of course) and we will send the usual reminder letter shortly beforehand.




Very best wishes,

David, Marilyn, & Viv

For The Friends of Tankerton Bay (FOTB)

Dear Friends,

Here is your usual reminder about the Beach Clean this Sunday, 5th May, to be carried out by The Friends of Tankerton Bay.  We will muster at the Lifeguard Hut on the Promenade at 9.15am as usual, until 10.30am.
Who knows what the weather will bring, although we’re hoping that it’ll be warmish! If it’s actually raining at, say, 9am, then consider the Beach Clean to be cancelled; otherwise we will soldier on.
Just to help us out at the end, when you are queuing to have your bags weighed, could you release the bags from the hoops and tie the bags in a knot; it would really assist with the organisation!
Hope to see you all then,
Best wishes,
Marilyn, David, & Viv
The Friends of Tankerton Bay

Last Beach Clean Sunday 7th April 2024:

Dear Friends of Tankerton Bay,

We expected some wind today, and the weather didn’t disappoint, although it was mostly warm and fairly sunny.  The weather forecast may have put some people off, as we mustered just 20 volunteers today, including one child, and our ex-Tankerton Councillor, Neil Baker. Four of the adults were newbies, and so we welcome them, particularly as they brought in good individual hauls!  Well done to them and to Barbara for the 3 kgs she brought in herself.

We were also asked by a passer-by whether we ever did Beach Cleans during the week, asking on behalf of a class of nursery-aged children.  We don’t do this, sticking to our usual first-Sunday-in-the-month, but if any Council member or fellow Beach Clean volunteer could help in this regard, we can put you in touch with the enquirer.

Collected weights were:

Beach: 19kgs (40kgs last time)

Slopes: 13kgs (18kgs last time)

Total:   32kgs (58kgs last time)

Total since our first clear in April 2016: 3,812kgs

On the beach – As was the case in March, we had a great deal of fragmented polystyrene to pick up, along with the usual bottles, caps, and tiny pieces of plastic.  One of our newbies commented that the beach looked particularly clean, until you “really looked” for the tiny pieces.  We also had fishing lines, netting, shoe soles, cardboard, large pieces of plastic, a tennis ball, a child’s scooter (left by the bins for a possible retrieval by the child), a litter-picker (brought back to its perch by the Lifeguard Hut for passers-by to use), bricks, and a long length of toilet roll, as if to wrap around a tree, as our volunteer described it! Sadly, one of our newbies also picked up a syringe, an extremely rare event for us, and although we would ordinarily have alerted the Council for a pick-up, this one was already in the bag, and described as possibly a diabetic syringe with a cap on the end. We therefore three-bagged it with a host of other rubbish.

The Slopes – a volunteer reported that a hut at Tankerton West appeared to be being used for rough sleeping (we will check on this) and bedding and a set of NHS crutches were found (and left) in the wooded area to the west of the flagpole. We have noted this as an area of concern for some time now.

Finally, the usual “Big Thanks” to all those volunteers who joined us for this clear – especially Jim, who stepped in and gave royal support, and to our stalwart FOTB core group, who take all of the equipment down to the beach from our tennis court storage and then back uphill again afterwards, as well as managing the actual clear itself.

Further thanks as ever also to Canenco, for collecting and removing our FOTB bags so promptly, and for all their efforts day-to-day to help keep our Bay as litter-free as they are able.

Next clear: Sunday 5th May: 09.15 – 10.30 as usual. We hope to see you again that day (subject to the weather, although we will be expecting “proper” Spring by then!) and we will send the usual reminder letter shortly beforehand.

Very best wishes,

Marilyn, David, & Viv

For The Friends of Tankerton Bay (FOTB)


Meet at the Lifeguard Hut on the Beach Front, adjacent to Tankerton West.

An hours energy, well spent for the benefit of the community.



Held in conjunction with the Marine Conservation Society’s

“Adopt-a-Beach” Scheme and Canterbury City Council Foreshore Services

Meet on the beach at the bottom of Tankerton Slopes, by the NEW White Lifeguard hut

Do come along and join us – all equipment will be provided.

All collecting gear will be provided by Canterbury

City Council.

 For information on beach cleans in general 

go to

 An hour’s exercise, rosy cheeks, and a clean beach!  You’ll feel better for it!